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2023 News Releases

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City of Bloomington Partners with SCCAP to Distribute Economic Equity Funds

The City of Bloomington and the South Central Community Action Program (SCCAP) have formed a partnership to distribute Economic Equity funds to provide direct support to hundreds of Bloomington’s workers and working families.

Skater at the Spring Ice Show 2019

Extended Public Ice Skating Hours in December at the Frank Southern Ice Arena

Admission for public skating is $6 plus $3 for skate rental.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Launches Pilot Program to Help Sworn Police Officers and Firefighters Buy Homes and Live in the City

Mayor John Hamilton announced the launch of a $100,000 no-interest, down-payment assistance pilot program to help up to 10 police officers and 10 firefighters purchase homes, as an incentive to serve and live in the city of Bloomington.

City Employee Clinic ribbon cutting

City of Bloomington Opens Employee Health Clinic

On Monday, December 18, 2023 Mayor John Hamilton, joined by City of Bloomington staff, and representatives from Everside Health, celebrated the official opening of the first health clinic for City employees with a ribbon cutting ceremony and clinic tour.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City of Bloomington Celebrates Local-Motion Grant Program Recipients

The City of Bloomington is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2023 Local-Motion Grant Program, an initiative aimed at promoting pedestrian and bicycle mobility within the city.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Commission on the Status of Women Seeks Nominations for Annual Awards

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women is seeking nominees for the 2024 Woman of the Year, Toby Strout Lifetime Contribution, Emerging Leader, and Young Woman of the Year awards.

Bloomington Fire Department Logo

BFD Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program Wins $50k Grant from State

The Bloomington Fire Department’s Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) program is the recipient of a $50k grant from the State Department of Homeland Security.

Bloomington Named 2023 NDIA Digital Inclusion Trailblazer

Bloomington Again Recognized as Digital Inclusion Trailblazer

The City of Bloomington has been recognized by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance as a 2023 Digital Inclusion Trailblazer.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on a number of City boards or commissions.

Griffy Lake Dam stair access to trail crossing Dec 2023

City Celebrates Completion of South Shore, Dam Crossing Phases of the Griffy Lake Loop Trail with Ribbon Cutting December 15

A ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating these major milestones is Dec. 15 at 11:30 a.m.

Project 46 logo

Regional Climate Alliance Holds Second Meeting: Project 46 Steering Committee in Bloomington

On Monday, December 4, 2023, the Project 46 Steering Committee met in Bloomington to identify and pursue solutions that effectively address our shared challenges and opportunities related to climate change.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

HAND Announces Homebuyers Club Dates for 2024

The City’s Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) will host five sessions of Homebuyers Club in 2024. Open to prospective homeowners across the community, the classes are targeted to first-time home buyers with the goal of increasing accessibility to home ownership.

Building Trades Park Master Plan for Future Improvements Dec. 7 2023

Parks and Recreation Asks for Feedback on Second Draft of Park Designs for the Building Trades Park Master Plan

Feedback on the second draft of the Master Plan park designs will be accepted through Jan. 12, 2024

7th St parking garage murals and fruit

City Extends Free Parking to Encourage Local Shopping Downtown

The City is extending the hours of free downtown parking to encourage residents and visitors to do their holiday shopping at local small businesses.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City of Bloomington Receives Top A-List Rating for Climate Action, One of 119 Cities Worldwide

Bloomington has again earned a top spot on the CDP Cities A-List, receiving the highest score for transparency and bold climate action.

Fire Station 1 rendering

Groundbreaking to Reopen Downtown Fire Station 1

Today marks the official start of a major remodel of the downtown Fire Station 1, located at 300 E 4th St.

Building Trades Park picnic shelter

Second Building Trades Park Master Plan Public Meeting is Dec. 7

Consultants will present updated design concepts, and collect additional feedback.

Science of Scale mural extract rendering by Erin Tobey, girl looking at a leaf through a microscope

Public Invited to “Science of Scale” Mural Celebration on Sunday, December 3

The celebration will kick off in front of the mural located on the alley wall on the east side of The Kirkwood Apartments, 315 W Kirkwood Ave, directly west of WonderLab, and continue in the lobby of WonderLab, with mural-based activities for all ages.

Artist rendering of redesigned North Gateway concept Nov. 2023

City Asks for Input on Redesigned North Gateway Concept

Feedback on the redesigned gateway will be accepted through Dec. 15, 2023

North shore of Griffy Lake with hardwood trees with no leaves, lake in foreground

Griffy Lake Nature Preserve Closed for Deer Hunt Dec. 2-3

Only hunters who applied and were selected are permitted to hunt at Griffy Lake.

Bloomington and Palo Alto City Logos

Climate Action Town Hall Connecting Bloomington and Palo Alto

Can two cities 2,000 miles apart pull together to address our climate issues? Should they? What different challenges do they face? Where has each made progress? What can Bloomington, Indiana and Palo Alto, California learn from each other? 

Children pose with Santa and Mrs Claus

Santa Welcomes Children and Families to Winter Wonderland at Banneker

The City of Bloomington invites local children and their families to join us for a festive Winter Wonderland and Holidays Around the World celebration at the Banneker Community Center (930 W 7th St) on Saturday, December 9, from noon to 4:00 p.m.

Artist's Rendering of Duke Substation Mural Design

Duke Energy to Present Check to City for Installation of Public Mural at Substation

As part of their partnership to place murals on the Duke Energy Substation walls located at the northwest corner of W 11th St and N Rogers St, the City of Bloomington and Duke Energy Foundation are pleased to announce the first substation mural design and check presentation ceremony, scheduled for Thursday, November 30 at 11 a.m.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City of Bloomington Utilities Assists Homeowners Association with Pond Clean Up

The City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) is currently coordinating with the Gentry Estates Homeowners Association to remediate a stormwater retention pond located near the intersection of E Gentry Blvd and S State Rd 446.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on a number of City boards or commissions.

Stuff-a-Bus sponsors 2023

Bloomington Transit Celebrates 24 Years of Stuff-A-Bus

To mark the 24th year anniversary of Stuff-A-Bus, Bloomington Transit will partner with Hoosier Country 105.1, B97, Chandler Funeral Home, American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 2000, AMVETS Sons, and AMVETS Auxiliary, with all donations going to the Monroe County Indiana Department of Child Services to help make the holidays merrier for children and families in need in our community.

7th St parking garage murals and fruit

City Offers Free On-Street Parking For Thanksgiving Weekend and in City Garages Saturdays During December

The City of Bloomington will offer free parking on the streets downtown and in City garages from Thursday, November 23 through Sunday, November 26, recognizing the Thanksgiving holiday and Small Business Saturday.

rendering of Kohr building affordable housing development

State Awards Tax Credits for Renovation of Historic Kohr Building into New Affordable Housing Development

The Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA) and Brinshore Development, L.L.C. (Brinshore) are pleased to announce that the State of Indiana Housing Community Development Authority has awarded 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the renovation and construction for the Kohr Administrative Building for a new affordable housing community.

Parks staff with Mayor Hamilton at IPRA awards 2023

Mayor Hamilton and Bloomington Parks & Recreation win IPRA Awards

Today Mayor John Hamilton received the Indiana Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) 2023 Elected Official of the Year Award for his exemplary support to parks and recreation and significant contributions to the parks and recreation field through active participation, advocacy, and policy. In addition, the Bloomington Department of Parks and Recreation won the 2023 Excellence in Resource Improvement Award, which recognized the exceptional management of Griffy Lake Nature Preserve over time.

Municipal Equality Index 2023 Report cover image

City of Bloomington Earns Ninth Perfect Score on Human Rights Campaign Index

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, in partnership with the Equality Federation, has again awarded Bloomington a perfect score on the annual Municipal Equality Index (MEI).

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

Mayor Hamilton Signs Interlocal Agreement for Convention Center Expansion

Mayor John Hamilton today signed the interlocal agreement between the City of Bloomington and Monroe County government to collaborate on the expansion of the Monroe County Convention Center. Mayor Hamilton is one of four required signatories, with ratification now needed by the Bloomington City Council, the Monroe County Council, and the Monroe County Commissioners.

Fall forest and lake Griffy Lake Nature Preserve

Griffy Lake Nature Preserve Closed for Deer Hunts Nov. 18-19 and Dec. 2-3

Only selected hunters may hunt at Griffy Lake. The park is closed to public hunting.

Art Master Plan cover image

The City of Bloomington announces 2023 - 2027 Public Art Master Plan and Community Art Grants

The Bloomington Arts Commission, along with the Department of Economic and Sustainable Development, is excited to release the 2023 - 2027 Public Art Master Plan to empower City residents to support, invest in, and take advantage of Bloomington’s rich legacy of local public art and culture.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

Organizations Invited to Apply for Downtown Outreach Grants

The City of Bloomington invites 501(c)(3) organizations to apply for City funding for projects that will improve the human condition of Bloomington residents who are unhoused or who are in jeopardy of becoming homeless.

E-bike voucher program grant logo

City Launches a Pilot E-Bike Voucher Program with Incentives Up to $1,000

As part of the City’s continuing efforts to expand micro-mobility transportation options in Bloomington, the Department of Economic and Sustainable Development is pleased to announce a new pilot program to provide residents with vouchers to purchase electric bikes at local Bloomington bike shops.

Griffy Lake prescribed fire burning leaves in hardwood forest

Prescribed Fire, Deer Hunts Improve Plant Health, Diversity at Griffy Lake

Prescribed burn planned for Nov. 9, deer hunts Nov. 18-19 and Dec. 2-3, 2023.

Bloomington and Palo Alto City Logos

Race & Belonging and Climate Action are the Focus at Upcoming Town Hall Meetings

Sibling Cities USA is pleased to announce two upcoming conversations that bring together the communities of Bloomington and Palo Alto, CA to address issues that have deep relevance.

Varieties of locally grown apples at the Farmers' Market by Merrill Hatlen

Bloomington Community Farmers' Market Seeks Firm to Conduct Research, Make Recommendations for Future

Bloomington residents visit to Santa Clara, Cuba

Mayor Hamilton visits Bloomington’s Sister Cities in Nicaragua and Cuba

Last week Mayor John Hamilton, several City colleagues, and a contingent of local residents traveled to two of Bloomington’s two Sister Cities: Posoltega, Nicaragua and Santa Clara, Cuba.

MLK Monument in Washington D.C. surrounded by cherry blossoms

City’s King Commission Seeks Nominees for Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award

The City of Bloomington Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission ( is seeking nominations for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award. The award recognizes and affirms those who have made significant contributions in the areas of race relations, justice, and human rights and is presented annually at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration in January.

Tree trimming Bloomington Rail  trail

Parks and Recreation Secures $100,000 Grant for Urban Tree Maintenance

Crews will prune 80 to 250 trees per year for storm resilience.

Sustainable Neighborhood Grant logo, green houses

Grant Funding Available to Neighborhoods Through the Sustainable Neighborhoods Grant Program

The City of Bloomington’s Department of Economic and Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Bloomington Commission on Sustainability (BCOS), is launching the Sustainable Neighborhoods Grant program to provide financial support for small-scale neighborhood projects that enhance residential capacity to support Bloomington’s community-wide climate action goals.

Fall leaves in orange, brown, red and green laying on top of green grass

Fall and Winter Tips: Options for Leaves and Keeping Sidewalks and Storm Drains Clear

As the seasons change, the City of Bloomington reminds residents of the options for handling fallen leaves on their property and requests residents’ assistance in keeping storm drains and adjacent sidewalks free of leaves, snow, and ice.

Switchyard Park main performance stage and lawn with crowd during a live show by The Dynamics

Musical Acts Invited to Apply to Perform in 2024 Outdoor Concert Series

Bands, musicians and other performing artists are welcome to apply by Jan. 19.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

Canopy of Lights, Monroe County Courthouse square lit up for the holidays

November Programs and Events

Adopt a Senior Pet Month, Young Women’s Leadership Summit, Canopy of Lights, and Holiday Market

City ITS staff receive the Best of Indiana Award

City Wins Best of Indiana Award for Best Application Serving the Public

The City of Bloomington has been awarded the 2023 Best of Indiana Award for the “Best Application Serving the Public” at the local government level, for streamlining the process of applying for public grants, scholarships, and other assistance programs.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Provides Update on Gateway Project

The City of Bloomington announced today a modification in the timeline of the Bicentennial gateway project planned for installation this fall in Miller-Showers Park on the north side of Bloomington.

CDFI Friendly Bloomington logo

CDFI Friendly Bloomington Celebrates Accomplishments and Hosts Partners

CDFI Friendly Bloomington, the nonprofit founded to bring more mission-oriented investments to the area, hosted its annual “Appetizers & Opportunities” event Monday to report on its progress and to convene more than 80 individuals representing regional partners, including Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), banks, small businesses, affordable housing developers, local elected officials, and other community development advocates.

SWAGGER award winners 2023

Bloomington Recognizes Students Who Act Generously, Grow, and Earn Respect with annual S.W.A.G.G.E.R Awards

On Friday, October 6th, in a ceremony at City Hall, four young nominees won S.W.A.G.G.E.R (Students Who Act Generously, Grow, and Earn Respect) Awards. They were selected from among 14 impressive young people, all of whom were recognized for their meaningful and generous acts.

Annexation Map

City Annexation Case to Proceed to Trial

On Wednesday, October 19, Special Judge Nathan Nikirk lifted a stay, allowing the trial on the merits to proceed in County Residents Against Annexation v. the City of Bloomington, a lawsuit filed by some remonstrators from Areas 1A and 1B challenging the annexation of certain west-side neighborhoods.

Map of detour around B-Line Trail closure at Fairview and North Rogers Streets, October 2023

North Section of B-Line Trail Closed Through Oct. 27

Traffic on the B-Line Trail will be routed north on Fairview and Rogers Streets to 11th Street.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions.

Bloomington Pumpkin Launch Oct. 21 at the Monroe County Fairgrounds

Annual Pumpkin Launch Sends Pumpkins Soaring Through the Skies

Activities include pumpkin drops, pumpkin launching, live music and fall-themed activities.

INDOT to Hold Public Hearing on East SR45 Proposed Improvements

Tim Street photo

Mayor Hamilton Appoints Tim Street as Interim Director of Park and Recreation

Mayor John Hamilton announced today that Tim Street will serve as Interim Director of the Parks and Recreation Department effective October 17, succeeding current Director Paula McDevitt, who is retiring effective October 16.

Arlington Park ribbon cutting 10-13-23

Today Bloomington Dedicated its Newest Workforce Housing Neighborhood

Today Mayor John Hamilton; Council Member Stephen Volan; Trinitas Ventures Project Engineer, Alex Bollero; Director of Real Estate Development, Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA), Nathan Ferreira, and members of the Bloomington community joined to cut the ribbon on 45 “shovel ready” lots slated for workforce housing home ownership in Bloomington.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

Bloomington City Council Approves 2024 Budget

Last night the City Council approved the $248 million city budget for 2024. This includes just over $131 million for the civil City, a combined $98 million for Utilities, Transit, and Housing Authority, and an additional $19 million in one-time appropriations from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the former Community Revitalization and Enhancement District (CRED) funds.

Rendering Building Trades Park by Mader Design September 2023

Submit Input for the New Master Plan for Building Trades Park by Oct. 20

Parks and Recreation continues to collect community input to guide future enhancements to the park.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

Bloomington’s Newest Workforce Housing Neighborhood to be Dedicated

On Friday, October 13th at 1 p.m, Mayor John Hamilton; Council Member Stephen Volan; Trinitas Ventures CEO, Loren King; and Director of Real Estate Development, Bloomington Housing Authority, Nathan Ferreira, will dedicate 45 “shovel ready” lots slated for workforce housing development.

Skater at the Spring Ice Show 2019

Frank Southern Ice Arena Opens Oct. 13 for the 2023-24 Season

Public ice skating daily only during scheduled times.

Indigenous Peoples' Day graphic

City of Bloomington Recognizes Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Indigenous Peoples’ Day honors the Native or Indigenous Peoples of North America in all their diversity and complexity.

Trades District Tech Center groundbreaking

Bloomington Breaks Ground on Trades District Tech Center

Members of Bloomington’s tech community joined together with civic and private sector leaders on Thursday, October 5, to celebrate a groundbreaking for the Trades District Tech Center.

Section marker Old Spencer Addition at Rose Hill Cemetery

Fall Cleanup Scheduled at City's Rose Hill, White Oak Cemeteries

Parks and Recreation will conduct a routine fall cleanup of Rose Hill and White Oak Cemeteries beginning Oct. 10.

7th Street Bike Lane Improvements

City of Bloomington Local-Motion Grant Program Application Opens

The City of Bloomington is proud to announce the opening of the 2023 Local-Motion Grant Program application cycle. Aimed at advancing pedestrian and bicycle mobility in the city, this program will provide direct support to initiatives that focus on local activities to foster a diverse and vibrant walking and bicycling culture.

A bright blue pumpkin with a navy blue city of bloomington logo on a dark gray backdrop

2023 Halloween Trick-or-Treat Hours for Bloomington

The City of Bloomington trick-or-treat hours for 2023 have been set for Tuesday, October 31 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., rain or shine.

Fall tree planting

October Programs and Events: Halloween Happenings, Fall Native Tree Planting, and a Homecoming Parade

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage, socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Accepting Applications to Serve on the Bloomington Board of Public Safety

The City invites residents to apply for an upcoming vacancy on the Bloomington Board of Public Safety. The Board of Public Safety shall have control and oversee the police and fire department of the city pursuant to statute, and shall have the authority to allow and approve claims.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Accepting Applications to Serve on the Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women

The City invites residents to apply for an upcoming vacancy on the Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women. The Commission on the Status of Women explores women's issues and concerns, celebrates women's accomplishments, and promotes solutions to the problems and challenges faced by women.

Building Trades Park mural

Creation of Building Trades Park Master Plan Begins with Public Meeting Sept. 28

Public meeting scheduled for Sept. 28 in City Hall

Varieties of locally grown apples at the Farmers' Market by Merrill Hatlen

Sample Indiana-Grown Apples at the Farmers' Market Sept. 30

The Bloomington Community Farmers' Market hosts free tastings of more than 18 apple varieties.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on several City boards or commissions

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Administration Advances Annexation Litigation

On Wednesday, September 13, the City acted to advance its annexation of west-side Areas 1A and 1B by moving to dismiss its constitutional claims related to those areas in a separate lawsuit the City filed in March 2022.

A picture of dancers performing at the Fiesta del Otono event in 2022.

2023 La Fiesta del Otoño Celebrates Literature and Culture

Join neighbors and friends in celebrating the City of Bloomington Fiesta del Otoño at the Switchyard Park Pavilion on Saturday, September 16 from noon to 4 p.m.

Calling All Engineers and Builders: Annual Pumpkin Launch Competition Seeks Talent to Propel Fall Fun

Register mechanical pumpkin launch devices by Oct. 9.

Artist rendering of Bicentennial Gateway at Miller-Showers Park by Rundell Ernstberger Assoc Aug. 2023

New Gateway to City at Miller-Showers Park

Site improvement work to begin at the park's north end Sept. 6.


Last Call for Sponsors: Middle Way House and City of Bloomington’s 12th Annual Wrapped in Love Tree Sweater Display

As we look forward to Wrapped in Love 2023, Middle Way House and the City of Bloomington extend a final invitation to potential sponsors.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

Mayor Hamilton Appoints Two Members to Capital Improvement Board

Mayor Hamilton today appointed Mick Renneisen and Adam Thies to the Monroe County Capital Improvement Board (CIB), a new seven-member body created by the County under state law.

2022 City Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report cover image

City of Bloomington Shares the Community-wide 2022 Greenhouse Gas Inventory

As part of the City’s commitment to climate action, the Department of Economic and Sustainable Development completed an updated community-wide greenhouse gas inventory.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

September Programs and Events Calendar

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

Arbor Day 2022 tree planting and ceremony at Butler Park in Bloomington

Parks and Recreation to Inventory, Plant Hundreds of Trees in 2023-24

Bloomington, Indiana's first Tree City USA, continues to invest in its urban trees.

Shade sail install Switchyard Park dog park

Road Projects Reach Completion; Trees Will Be Planted Downtown; and Fall Leaf Management is Changing

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. The City makes every effort to provide residents and visitors with updated and accurate information though all projects schedules are weather dependent.

2024 city Budget Proposal cover sheet

Mayor Hamilton to Present $249 million Proposed City Budget for 2024

Mayor John Hamilton will present a $249 million combined operating budget to the Bloomington City Council on Monday, August 28, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.

Southeast Park fitness station with four pieces of equipment, designed for all ages and ability levels.

Neighborhood Associations Unveil Grant-Funded Fitness Equipment in Southeast Park

A Neighborhood Improvement Grant awarded to the Arden Place and Sycamore Knolls Neighborhood Associations was used to install all-ages, outdoor fitness equipment in Southeast Park. The fitness equipment was officially unveiled Aug. 26, 2023.

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

Southeast Park fitness station with four pieces of equipment, designed for all ages and ability levels.

New Outdoor Fitness Equipment at Southeast Park and Tapp Road is Resurfaced

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. The City makes every effort to provide residents and visitors with updated and accurate information though all projects schedules are weather dependent.

Fall leaves in orange, brown, red and green laying on top of green grass

City Saves Money and Increases Sustainability with Changes to Leaf Collection

Vacuum leaf collection will cease in 2023. Beginning this year, residents are encouraged to mulch and compost their leaves on site.

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

The City of Bloomington announces Call for Artists for Duke Substation Walls Mural Project

The City of Bloomington, in partnership with Duke Energy, has announced a new public art project to place murals on the Duke Substation walls located at the northwest corner of W 11th St and N Rogers St.

Digital Equity

New Public Wi-Fi Access in Rev. Ernest D. Butler Park and Crestmont Park

As part of continuing efforts to improve digital equity in our community, the City of Bloomington is pleased to announce public Wi-Fi in two additional City parks with work currently underway in two more.

multi-colored hands raised in the air

City of Bloomington Volunteer Fair

The Bloomington Volunteer Network is pleased to announce the return of the City of Bloomington Volunteer Fair. This in-person event will take place on Saturday, September 9th in the City Hall Atrium from 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

City’s Commission on the Status of Black Males Invites Local Teens to Fourth Annual Black Male Youth Summit

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Black Males (CSBM) invites middle school- and high school-aged males to attend a one-day Black Male Youth Summit at City Hall, 401 N. Morton St. Bloomington, IN 47404 on Thursday, September 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

City’s Commission on the Status of Children and Youth Call for 2023 SWAGGER Nominations

The City of Bloomington is seeking nominations for the 2023 SWAGGER (Students Who Act Generously, Grow, and Earn Respect) Awards. Effective nominees have taken action that enhances the lives of those around them through generous acts, personal growth, and the promotion of respect.

Digital Equity

City of Bloomington Awards 2023 Digital Equity Grants Funds to Thirteen Area Nonprofits

The City of Bloomington announces the 2023 Digital Equity Grants awards to support Bloomington-based nonprofit organization efforts to bridge the digital divide and increase digital resources for residents.

Parks staff repair the slide at Crestmont Park

Bloomington Park Safety is Maintained and Southside Roads are Resurfaced

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. The City makes every effort to provide residents and visitors with updated and accurate information though all projects schedules are weather dependent.

Representatives of the Bloomington Health Foundation pose with Parks and Recreation staff at the Twin Lakes Recreation Center

Bloomington Health Foundation Grant Replaces Vital AED Devices, Brings Additional Sun Safety Programs to Parks and Recreation

A grant for $38,000 replaced 11 AEDs and six shade umbrellas.

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

City of Bloomington and U.S. Department of Justice Host United Against Hate Forum

On Thursday, September 7th, from 6-9 p.m., the U.S. Department of Justice and City of Bloomington will host the United Against Hate Forum in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Tree trimming Bloomington Rail  trail

Trail Corridor Maintenance Maintains Trail Safety; Overnight Work Along Fountain Drive; and Resurfacing Projects Continue

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. The City makes every effort to provide residents and visitors with updated and accurate information though all projects schedules are weather dependent.

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

City of Bloomington Black y Brown Arts Festival Seeks Artists

The City of Bloomington encourages local artists of color to apply for participation in the Fifth Annual Bloomington Black y Brown Arts Festival (BYB).

New scooter parking corral installed in the 500 block of N College Ave.

City of Bloomington Announces Installation of 50+ Parking Corrals to Enhance Micro-Mobility and Pedestrian Safety

The City of Bloomington is excited to announce a transformative initiative that aims to enhance the accessibility and safety of micro-mobility vehicles, such as e-scooters and e-bikes, within the city.

Holly Warren

Mayor Hamilton Appoints Holly Warren as Interim Director of Economic and Sustainable Development Department

Mayor John Hamilton announced today that Holly Warren will serve as Interim Director of the Economic and Sustainable Development Department (ESD) effective August 7, succeeding current ESD Director Alex Crowley, who stepped down effective August 4.

Fiber artist wrapping a tree in love

Celebrate the 12th Annual Wrapped in Love Public Art Display

Middle Way House and the City of Bloomington invite the community to a night of celebration—enjoy food and refreshments from local vendors, learn about Middle Way House’s services, and celebrate the 12th annual Wrapped in Love tree sweater display!

Concrete curbs being poured around the pad that upon which fitness equipment will be installed at Southeast Park.

Rogers Family Park is Dedicated; The Intersection of 17th and Kinser Pike Has Been Reopened to Traffic; and Downtown Curb Ramp Project is Nearing Completion

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. The City makes every effort to provide residents and visitors with updated and accurate information though all projects schedules are weather dependent.

Shatoyia Moss, Safe and Civil City Director, CFRD

City of Bloomington Safe and Civil City Director Shatoyia Moss Announced as New Obama Foundation United States Leader

Safe and Civil City Director Shatoyia Moss is among the first cohort of 100 emerging changemakers selected to participate in the Obama Foundation’s Leaders USA program.

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

Youth Artists' and Growers' Day at the Market; Live Music in Switchyard and Peoples Parks; and 50th Anniversary of the Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage, socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

survey thumbnail

2023 Community Survey Results Highlight Residents’ Perceptions of Quality of Life, Community Challenges

Summary of the results of the fourth biennial city-wide survey.

Million Father March welcomes students to Fairview Elementary on the first day of school in 2022

Commission on the Status of Black Males to Welcome Students on the First Day of School at Fairview Elementary

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Black Males (CSBM) will join area fathers, father figures, caregivers, mentors, and role models to welcome students back to school in person on Wednesday, August 2 at 8:30 a.m. at Fairview Elementary School, 500 West 7th Street.  

Mills Pool water feature and umbrellas.

Night Time paving on E 3rd St.; Improvement to Bryan Park Pool’s Limestone Lagoon; and Work Continues on the Bicentennial Bond Griffy Loop Trail Project

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. The City makes every effort to provide residents and visitors with updated and accurate information though all projects schedules are weather dependent.

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

Bloomington Arts Commission announces recipients of the 2023 Arts Project Grant Cycle

The City of Bloomington Bloomington Arts Commission (BAC) is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2023 Arts Project Grant Cycle. Arts Project Grants are meant to help offset costs incurred by local artists and arts groups facilitating public-facing arts projects. 

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

Grants and Scholarships are Available for Businesses and Residents in the Bloomington Urban Enterprise Zone

The Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA) is pleased to announce the availability of three grant programs to support small business owners in the Enterprise Zone, as well as one scholarship program to support residents.

Rendering of greenway streetscape with Hopewell logo

Public Invited to Hopewell Groundbreaking

Mayor John Hamilton, the Bloomington Redevelopment Commission (RDC), and City of Bloomington Capital Improvements, Inc. (CBCI) invite community members to attend a groundbreaking for infrastructure that will serve the Hopewell neighborhood.

parks staff members holds new battery powered leaf blower

Winslow Road Milling and Resurfacing is Complete; Parks and Recreation Reduces Their Carbon Footprint; and Duke Energy Continues their Bloomington Reliability Project

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. The City makes every effort to provide residents and visitors with updated and accurate information though all projects schedules are weather dependent.

Photo of St. Nick dancing to The Dynamics at the 2022 Holiday Market in front of Bloomington's City Hall.

City's Holiday Market Accepting Vendor Applications from Local, Regional Artists

To receive full consideration for this juried fair, apply by Aug. 25.

Red barn and restored native prairie at Rogers Family Park in July 2023.

Bloomington Parks Foundation, City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department to Dedicate Rogers Family Park August 4

Former "Goat Farm" park will be renamed in recognition of land and funds donated by the Sherman and Meredith Rogers family.

textiles displayed on walls

City of Bloomington and By Hand Gallery Present the “2023 Threads of Meaning” Textile Exhibition in Fountain Square Mall Bloomington

The City of Bloomington, in collaboration with By Hand Gallery, presents “Threads of Meaning,” an exhibition of work by Bloomington-based textile artists that are on view at Fountain Square Mall Bloomington until September 17, 2023.

The 5th Annual Black y Brown Arts Festival is in Switchyard Park; City and County Collaborate For the Tenth Annual Bug Fest; and Bloomington Hosts United Against Hate Forum

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the City's boards or commissions.

Fallen tree damage to fence

City Responds to Storm Damage to Trees; 17th Street Multiuse Path Progress; and Bloomington Streets are Being Resurfaced

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress. The City makes every effort to provide residents and visitors with updated and accurate information though all projects schedules are weather dependent.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor Hamilton Appoints Angela Van Rooy as Interim Communications Director and Crystal Ritter as Interim Public Engagement Director

Mayor John Hamilton announced today the appointments of Angela Van Rooy as Interim Communications Director and Crystal Ritter as Interim Public Engagement Director for the City of Bloomington, effective July 17, 2023.

Larry Allen head shot

Mayor Hamilton Appoints Deputy Mayor Larry Allen

Mayor John Hamilton announced today that Larry Allen will serve as Deputy Mayor for the City of Bloomington effective July 29, succeeding current Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael who is stepping down effective July 28.

City Logo Thumbnail

Youth Artists' and Growers' at the Market; Concerts in the Parks; and Paddleboarding on Griffy Lake

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage, socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

CBU Logo

Local Air Quality Concerns from Canadian Wildfires

Local Bloomington area residents may have been aware of a haze in the air, which affected the air quality and reduced visibility.  The haze was a result of the widespread wildfires actively burning throughout Canada.

CBU Logo

Annual Drinking Water Quality Report Shared by City of Bloomington Utilities

City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) published their annual drinking water quality report, providing information about local drinking water quality

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sustainable Development (the City) is inviting community members to participate in a survey aimed at gathering valuable insights regarding climate change concerns and social vulnerabilities. The survey is a vital part of our ongoing efforts to update the comprehensive Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

City of Bloomington Seeking Community Input on Climate Change Concerns and Social Vulnerabilities through Survey

The City of Bloomington through its Department of Economic and Sulimate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was completed in 2020.

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

New Trail at Griffy Lake and Resurfacing on S College Ave

Spectrum Trail Design began work this week on construction of a new, four-mile hiking trail on the south side of Griffy Lake. Department of Public Works Street Division crews are scheduled to resurface S Franklin Rd from W 3rd Street to end of maintenance and S College Ave from W 4th Street to W Dodds St.

Wrapped in Love - Tree Sweater

“Wrapped in Love” Public Art Display Seeking Sponsors and Fiber Artists: Annual Middle Way House Program Now a Partnership with the City of Bloomington

The public art display “Wrapped in Love,” our community’s annual tradition of adorning City trees with sweaters crafted by local fiber artists in in order to raise awareness about domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking

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Commission on the Status of Women Announces Call-Out for Women-Owned Businesses, Health Organizations/Non-Profits, and Female Artisans to Participate in Women’s Market

The City of Bloomington’s Commission on the Status of Women will host a Women’s Market at City Hall on August 26th (Women’s Equality Day) from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. This event will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions.

Griify Lake from the air at sunset

Work Continues on Street Resurfacing and ADA Curb Ramps

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Awards Three Neighborhood Improvement Grants

The City of Bloomington Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) is pleased to announce three recipients of the 2023 Neighborhood Improvement Grant. Awardees are: the Bloomington Housing Authority Resident Council (BHARC), the Prospect Hill Neighborhood Association, and the Woodlands Winding Brook Homeowners Association.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Receives Updated Street, Sidepath, Sidewalk and Accessible Curb Ramp Condition Data

During Wednesday’s, June 7, City Council meeting, the Department of Public Works (DPW) Street Division presented a citywide assessment recently completed of the current condition of streets, sidewalks, multiuse paths and accessible curb ramps.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Multi-year Project to Eradicate Invasive Species in Griffy Lake is Successful; More Streets are Resurfaced; and ADA Ramps are Updated

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

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City to Host Annual Juneteenth Celebration at Switchyard Park

The City of Bloomington will host a Juneteenth celebration on Saturday, June 17, from 2 - 7 p.m. at Switchyard Park. Juneteenth is the annual national commemoration of the ending of slavery, which Black Americans have celebrated since the late 19th century. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Launches New Employee Tuition Reimbursement Pilot Program

Mayor Hamilton today announced a new tuition reimbursement pilot program for eligible employees continuing efforts to be an employer of choice in Bloomington. City Council approved the new program as part of the 2023 Budget, and the pilot is in addition to receiving extensive new and ongoing benefits announced earlier in 2023.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Bloomington Named Gold-level Bicycle Friendly Community for Third Time by League of American Bicyclists

On May 31st of this year, the League of American Bicyclists honored the efforts of Bloomington to build better places for people to bike with a gold-level Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) award. BFC recognizes communities at five levels – diamond, platinum, gold, silver and bronze (plus an honorable mention category) and Bloomington joins 506 communities across the country in the movement for safer streets and better bicycling for everyone. The award recognizes Bloomington for its commitment to creating transportation and recreational resources that benefit its residents of all ages and abilities while encouraging healthier and more sustainable transportation choices. 

CBU Logo

City of Bloomington Utilities Notice of Drinking Water Violation

In the month of April, City of Bloomington Utilities’ routine monthly samples of total organic carbon (TOC) were not reported to the state of Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) due to an error in shipping. This resulted in a violation (327 IAC 8-2.5-20 Failure to sample and/or report results) of drinking water standards set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This event was reported to IDEM on May 9th, 2023.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor Hamilton Calls on City Council to Pass Resolution Supporting Driver Cards for Undocumented Indiana Residents

Mayor Hamilton will call on the Bloomington City Council at their June 7 meeting to consider and adopt a resolution indicating support for a driver card for undocumented Indiana residents. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Rose Hill Scatter Garden Monument is Installed; Detour at 17th and Kinser; and Streets are Being Resurfaced

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Releases 2022 Annual City Goals Year-End Update

The summary reflects fifteen city departments reporting on nineteen individual components of city functions and their corresponding goals. In total, 566 goals were identified for 2022.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Switchyard Park Concert Series; Juneteenth Celebration; Outdoor Programs; and Monroe Water Treatment Plant Tour –June Events and Programs

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and within the City, and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

Group of Residents Wearing Orange Shirts at County Courthouse

City of Bloomington Wears Orange to Honor Survivors of Gun Violence

The City of Bloomington invites the community to observe National Gun Violence Awareness Day on Friday, June 2, and join in events raising awareness about gun violence during Wear Orange weekend.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Bryan Park and Mills Pools Are Opening; 10th Street Railroad Overpass Retaining Wall is Repaired; and Public Works Continues Resurfacing Streets

Bloomington, Ind. – Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Vehicles With Six or More Unpaid Citations are Now Subject to Towing

In accordance with a new city code passed by City Council in late 2022 and being implemented June 12, vehicles with six or more unpaid citations may now be towed and impounded. Once towed, the vehicle owner must provide proof that the parking citations have been paid before the vehicle will be released. The City of Bloomington Parking Services division will begin notifying vehicle owners with multiple citations via email and U.S. Mail with information and steps to avoid being towed (provided at the links below) prior to June 12.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Indiana Court of Appeals Rules for City and Rejects Early Appeal by Remonstrators

On Friday, May 19, a three-judge panel of the Indiana Court of Appeals unanimously denied county residents opposing annexation an early appeal of the trial court’s ruling that they cannot have a second 90-day remonstrance period. This decision affirms the path for the annexation trial to proceed; it is scheduled from November 13 through 17 of this year.

CDFI Friendly America Logo

Mayor Attends CDFI Friendly America Convening in Evansville

Mayor John Hamilton and CDFI Friendly Bloomington (CFB) Executive Director Jane Kupersmith attended the kickoff event for CDFI Friendly Evansville Region, the newest sibling organization in the CDFI Friendly America (CFA) network. Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and the CDFI Friendly Evansville Region Advisory Group hosted 150 individuals, including community and CDFI partners, at the University of Evansville Campus on May 17.

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: Innovation

In today’s video update, Mayor John Hamilton and Innovation Director Devta Kidd discuss innovation at the City of Bloomington.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Griffy Loop Trail Dam Crossing Will Be Constructed; Public Meeting for E Allen Greenway Connector is Scheduled; and Hopewell Phase 1 East Infrastructure Project Funding is Approved

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Public Invited to Provide Input about Local Transportation Projects

The Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMCMPO) will hold a hybrid Public Information Meeting on Monday, May 22, from 6-8 p.m. in Council Chambers at Bloomington City Hall with the goal of gaining public input for the development of the 2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions:

Residents Academy Logo

Residents are Invited to Apply for 2023 Residents Academy

The City of Bloomington Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) invites residents to apply for the 2023 Residents Academy, to be held on ten consecutive Thursday evenings from August 24th to October 26th, from 6-8 p.m. Sessions include presentations by City staff, as well as demonstrations and tours of City facilities.

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City of Bloomington Violence Reduction Grant Applications Available

Mayor John Hamilton has designated $125,000 in funding directly to support community-based efforts to prevent, intervene and reduce violence in Bloomington. The City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Department will administer the new Community-Based Violence Reduction Grants – a project to invest annually in evidence-based violence prevention projects offered by neighborhood-based agencies and organizations in Bloomington.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on Historic Preservation Commission

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on the Historic Preservation Commission.

Thumbnail of new website mockup

City’s Data Portal and Dashboards Receive Tyler's 2023 Excellence Award for Data & Transparency

The City of Bloomington has been awarded the 2023 Tyler's Excellence Award for Data & Transparency for its updated data portal and new dashboards at The Data & Transparency award “recognizes organizations that have used Tyler solutions to creatively and transparently communicate valuable data to their communities and used those insights to make data-driven decisions.”

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Bloomington and Monroe County Human Rights Commissions Join to Better Serve All Residents

The City of Bloomington and Monroe County have entered into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement to form a joint Bloomington/Monroe County Human Rights Commission, which will absorb the work of prior separate city and county human rights commissions. On May 3, the Bloomington City Council and the Monroe County Commissioners voted unanimously to approve both the agreement and corresponding changes to their respective human rights ordinances to create and empower the joint Commission.  

New parking at Goat Farm

New Parking Area at Goat Farm Park; Road Closures Can be Followed Online; and Road Resurfacing Continues

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Launches New Public Records Request Management Software

The City of Bloomington is excited to announce the launch of NextRequest, a public records management system designed to improve transparency, efficiency, and consistency in responding to public records requests.

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: Bloomington Cooperative Living

In this week’s video update, Mayor John Hamilton and Bloomington Cooperative Living (BCL) Board Member Hugh Farrell discuss affordable housing and the BCL. 

Photo of person's hands typing on laptop

Bloomington Nonprofits Invited to Apply for 2023 Digital Equity Grants

The City of Bloomington invites nonprofit organizations to apply for funding to support their efforts to bridge the digital divide and increase digital resources for residents.  The Digital Equity Grants program will award $50,000 in funds to Bloomington-based nonprofits, with 2023 proposals accepted digitally Monday, May 8 through 5 p.m. on Friday, June 16.

Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael planting tree with with assistance from Little Miss USA Pure International Anurika Enyiaku

Bloomington’s Tree Canopy Grows; Traffic Calming on Maxwell; and More Street Resurfacing

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

Bloomington transit Logo on green background

Bloomington Transit Will Enhance Paratransit and Microtransit Service and Upgrade Dispatch/Vehicle Location System with Help from New Federal Funds

Bloomington Transit (BT) will receive $1,100,000 in Bus Facilities Program funds to support ADA-Accessible Paratransit/Microtransit Vehicles and CAD/AVL (Computer-Aided Dispatch/Automatic Vehicle Location) Equipment Replacement and Upgrades. 

Children playing at Switchyard in the splash pad

Pools and Spray Pad Open; Concerts in Peoples Park; and the Hidden River is Revealed–May Events and Programs

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and within the City, and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: New Fiber Network's Digital Equity Program

In this week’s video update, Mayor John Hamilton and Bloomington Housing Authority Administrator Leon Gordon discuss the new fiber internet network and the impact of the innovative digital equity program.

Crew paving

Miller-Showers Park Parking Lot Reopens; Street Paving Season is Underway; and 17th Street is Getting Accessible Sidewalk Curb Ramps

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

CBU Logo

Utilities Experiences Sanitary Sewer Breach at Grimes Lane and Clear Creek

On Wednesday, April 26, the City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) identified a possible sanitary sewer breach at Grimes Lane and Clear Creek flowing south through Switchyard Park. A contractor operating in the area damaged the sanitary sewer pipe resulting in leakage into Clear Creek. 

Scatter Garden

Traffic Calming on Maxwell Lane; Paving Season Begins; and Sunday Bus Rides are Free Through April

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

Bike to Earth Day Event Logo on green background

Celebrate the City’s 1st Annual Bike to Earth Day at Switchyard Park Event on April 22

The City of Bloomington’s climate action platform Zero In Bloomington is teaming up with the City’s alternative transportation platform, Go Bloomington to host the 1st annual Bike to Earth Day at Switchyard Park event.

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: Hopewell Neighborhood

In today’s video update, Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael discuss Hopewell.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions.

Thumbnail of new website mockup

City Announces Upgrade of Open Data Portal

The City of Bloomington is pleased to announce the update of its award-winning “B-Clear” data portal ( The new data portal provides users with an improved ability to view data, analyze data sets, and create visualizations of City data using visualization tools within the portal or with external data analysis and visualization software. 

survey thumbnail

Bloomington Community Survey Now Open to All Residents

Beginning this week, the 2023 Bloomington Community Survey became open to all residents interested in participating. The survey may be accessed at

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Council Approves $3 Million for Tech Center

On Wednesday, April 12, the Bloomington City Council voted to appropriate $3 million towards funding construction of a new technology center in the Trades District. This allocation draws from the Bloomington Community Revitalization and Enhancement District (CRED) funds. Additional funding for the project comprises $3.5 million from the United States Economic Development Administration (US EDA) and nearly $2 million from the Bloomington Redevelopment Commission (RDC). Construction is expected to begin this fall and be complete by early 2025.

City logo symbol in white on dark blue background

Annexation: Common Questions Answered

Over the last several weeks, a considerable amount of misinformation has been shared about annexation, including costs, process, and defending city rights. We want to set the record straight on common recurring questions.

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: Your City at Work

In today’s weekly video update, Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael discuss a new messaging series, “Your City at Work.”

crews digging and installing fiber conduit.

Water is Turned on in City Parks; Four-Way Stop Installed at 7th and Dunn; Increased Sunday Service & Free Rides at Bloomington Transit

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

Corridor Study Logo in White and Yellow on Dark Blue Background

College Avenue and Walnut Street Corridor Study Calls for Community Input

The City of Bloomington’s Planning and Transportation Department is launching a Corridor Study of College Avenue and Walnut Street based on recommendations from the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan. As our central north/south transportation corridors, College and Walnut, serve as gateways to our community as well as the front door for hundreds of local businesses and thousands of residents. However, in this critical corridor, there are challenges too: the sidewalks, ramps, and crosswalks along the corridor do not all meet current accessibility standards; many bus stops lack shelters; and each year, several hundred motor vehicle crashes occur along the length of the corridors. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on Housing Quality Appeals Board and Environmental Commission

he City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on the Housing Quality Appeals Board and Environmental Commission.

Stop sign against bright blue sky.

City to Install All-Way Stop at the Intersection of 7th and Dunn

The intersection of E 7th St and N Dunn St is being converted from a one-way stop-controlled intersection to an all-way stop-controlled intersection. City Engineer Andrew Cibor ordered the all-way stop via a 180-day order ( pursuant to Bloomington Municipal Code § 15.08.040.

Logo on Pink Background

Statement from Mayor Hamilton Regarding Recent Federal Abortion Ruling in Texas

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: Project 46

In today's video update, Columbus Mayor Jim Lienhoop, Nashville Town Manager Sandie Jones, and Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton discuss Project 46, a new regional climate change alliance.

Public Art at GOAT Farm

Outdoor Dining Returns to Kirkwood; High-Speed Fiber Installation Continues; and Public Art is Installed at the Goat Farm

Numerous infrastructure improvement projects are underway this season to advance community goals, including safety, sustainability, accessibility, equity, economic vitality, and quality of life in Bloomington. The City will provide regular public updates on a range of these improvements as they progress.

Elephant from Indy Zoo

City Announces Partnership with Indianapolis Zoo

The City is launching a pilot program with the Indianapolis Zoo that encourages residents to reduce invasive and undesirable plants on their properties and donate them to the Zoo for animal food.

Network cables and optic fibers on bright blue background

First 100 Bloomington Homes Ready for Connection to New Fiber Internet Network

Mayor John Hamilton, fiber internet service provider GigabitNow and fiber network developer Hoosier Fiber Networks today announced that Bloomington’s first homes are ready for fiber internet home connections and order availability for GigabitNow fiber internet service. 

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City Congratulates and Celebrates 2023 Be More Award Recipients

The City of Bloomington is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Be More Awards, which honor exceptional community volunteers and promote volunteerism and civic engagement in our community. The City of Bloomington Volunteer Network received wonderful, heartfelt nominations for the Be More Awards; this year's Selection Committee did not have an easy task.

Image of two adults with small child holding a sunflower looking at a booth of vegetables

Farmers’ Market Opens for the Season; MLK Remembrance Week; and Arbor Day at Switchyard Park–April Events and Programs

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage, socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and within the City, and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

Network cables and optic fibers on bright blue background

Hoosier Fiber Networks, GigabitNow, and City Provide Update on High Speed Fiber Project

Join Mayor John Hamilton and representatives from Hoosier Fiber Networks and GigabitNow in the South Griffy neighborhood ( for exciting updates on the high-speed fiber project.

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: Community Survey

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss the 2023 Community Survey.

Mayor at the Market logo on top of vegetables photo

Mayor at the Market Returns for the First Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market of the Season

The Bloomington Community Farmers' Market opens for the 2023 season on Saturday, April 1, from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at Showers Common, 401 N. Morton Street, next to Bloomington's City Hall. Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael will both be at the first market of the season from 10 a.m.-noon, ready to greet and chat with the Bloomington community. Find them by looking for the Mayor at the Market signage on the north end of the market next to the Parks Department tent. 

Project 46 logo

Regional Leaders Launch Project 46: New Bipartisan, Cross-Sector, Multi-County Climate Change Alliance

On Friday, March 24, Columbus Mayor Jim Lienhoop, Nashville Town Manager Sandie Jones, and Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton gathered at the Nashville Town Hall to announce the launch and next steps of a bipartisan, cross-sector, multi-county effort to address climate change.

City Logo

City Launches Zero In Bloomington Earth Day Challenge on April 1 in Celebration of Earth Month

The City of Bloomington’s Department of Economic and Sustainable Development is pleased to announce the Earth Day Community Challenge for Bloomington residents will kick off on April 1. 

MLK Monument in Washington D.C. surrounded by cherry blossoms

A Week of Remembrance Celebrating African American History in Bloomington through Art and Storytelling

In an effort to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and promote the acceptance of diversity in the community, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission is planning a week of remembrance and celebration of African American history in Bloomington through art and storytelling. This week begins on Tuesday, April 4, which marks the 55th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s tragic and untimely death. Each year, the MLK Commission remembers the terrible event that occurred on the balcony of the Memphis Lorraine Motel in 1968, where Dr. King was in support of Black sanitation workers who were on strike and demanding safer working conditions and better pay.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on a City board or commission.

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Regional Leaders Gather To Launch Bipartisan, Cross-Sector Climate Change Efforts

Columbus Mayor Jim Lienhoop, Nashville Town Manager Sandie Jones, and Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton invite the public to attend an announcement on Friday, March 24, at Nashville Town Hall about the next steps of working together in a bipartisan, cross-sector, multi-county effort to address climate change.

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Fourth Community-Wide City Survey of Resident Opinions Begins This Week

Beginning this week, the City of Bloomington will ask residents to participate in the 2023 Bloomington Community Survey. This fourth community-wide, biennial, scientific survey of Bloomington residents since 2017 is again being administered by National Research Center, Inc. (NRC).

CBU Logo

Utilities Accepting Proposals for 2023 Residential Stormwater Grants

The City of Bloomington Utilities Department (CBU) invites homeowners to apply for funding through the fifth annual Residential Stormwater Grants Program. CBU helps homeowners pay for environmentally friendly drainage projects such as rain gardens, bioswales, and detention-pond maintenance. CBU will host a public information meeting about the grant application process and project requirements on Wednesday, March 22, 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the Utilities Service Center, 600 E. Miller Drive.

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Dogs and Puppies Seized from Hoarding/Unauthorized Breeding Operation; Fosters and Donations Needed

On Friday, March 17, the City of Bloomington Animal Care and Control (BACC) seized 68 dogs and puppies from a hoarding/unauthorized breeding operation. These animals were taken with the assistance of the Bloomington Police Department (BPD) and the Animal Management Officers from the Monroe County Sheriff's Department.

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Video Update: Public Safety Investments Check-in

In today's video update, Mayor Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Carmichael provide an update on the new public safety investments, including the new public safety headquarters. At its January 25 meeting, the City Council approved appropriating proceeds from the recently approved public safety bonds ( for public safety facility improvements, including the purchase of 320 W. 8th Street, a section of the Showers Building adjacent to City Hall.  

OneDrop logo in white on black background

City Partners with Artist Pop-up Collective One Drop to Host Art Exhibition Underground at Fourth Street Garage Storefront

The City of Bloomington is partnering with Indianapolis-based art collective One Drop to produce an exhibition titled Underground featuring over 20 local and regional emerging BIPOC artists in the Fourth Street Garage Storefront from Friday, March 17 - Saturday, May 13. The exhibition will feature work across artistic media, including collages by Honey Hodges, textiles by Beatrice Atencah, and photographs by the 2023 LensCulture Top prize recipient, Justin Carney. Hodges, Atencah, and Carney are among several local artists featured in the exhibition. 

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Ticket Sales Extended for the 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon

Ticket sales have been extended for The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women’s 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon. The luncheon will take place on Thursday, March 23, 2023, at the Monroe Convention Center at 302 S. College Ave. in Bloomington. 

Winston Thomas Site Entrance

Utilities and Public Works Update City Council on Winston Thomas Site

During Wednesday night's City Council meeting, City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) Director Vic Kelson and Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Adam Wason updated council members on the recommended move of CBU to the Winston Thomas site and centralizing DPW at the current Miller Drive campus. 

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Video Update: State of the City Recap

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss the State of the City event held on February 23 at the Waldron Arts Center.

Habitat Solutions staff work a fire line during a prescribed burn at Griffy Lake in March 2020.

Prescribed Fire March 9 Will Improve Plant Diversity at Griffy Lake Nature Preserve

The Nature Trail and Hiking Trail will be closed during and for one day after the prescribed fire.

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Hopewell Neighborhood to Receive $1.8 million from The Indiana Uplands READI Steering Committee and Regional Opportunity Initiatives

Bloomington will receive $1.8 million in Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI)funding for construction on Jackson Street as part of the new Hopewell neighborhood. This housing investment was approved by the Indiana Uplands READI Steering Committee and the Regional Opportunity Initiatives (ROI) Board of Directors, and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC). The Indiana Uplands is an 11-county region encompassing Brown, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Orange, Owen, and Washington counties.

Young adult in white tshirt and dark pants plays saxophone and sunset on Kirkwood in front of residents/visitors using outdoor seating

Another Season of Outdoor Dining on Kirkwood Begins April 3

The City of Bloomington is pleased to announce another Expanded Outdoor Dining season. This program closes 2 ½ blocks of Kirkwood Avenue to all for expanded outdoor dining and a pedestrian thoroughfare, and parklets, which expands outdoor dining in parking spaces closed off by orange jersey barriers directly outside the participating businesses in the downtown area. 

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Video Update: Affordable Housing

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) Director John Zody as they discuss three affordable housing focus areas–housing security, rental housing, and home ownership. 

no turn on red sign in front of blue sky

City Reminds Residents of “No Turn on Red” at 82 Downtown Locations to Protect Cyclists and Pedestrians

In April of 2021, the Bloomington City Council voted unanimously to add nearly 80 “No Turn on Red” signs in the downtown and campus areas to increase safety. Both the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission and the Traffic Commission endorsed the measure, which was taken to protect pedestrians and cyclists, the most vulnerable users of roads, in the areas of heaviest pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

March Brings Spring Break Fun; Kittens Needing Care, and Car Seat Safety

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City, and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

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City Asks Court to Strike Down State Legislation As Second Unconstitutional Interference with Annexation

On Monday, February 27, the City of Bloomington filed a motion in City of Bloomington v. Smith asking Special Judge Kelsey Hanlon to strike down legislation the Indiana General Assembly passed in 2019 that voided most of Bloomington’s existing sewer extension contracts. In its motion, the City argues that the legislation violates state and federal constitutional provisions protecting contracts from retroactive impairment by state law.

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Nominations Sought for 2023 Bloomington Human Rights Award

The Bloomington Human Rights Commission (BHRC) is seeking nominations for the 2023 Human Rights Award, recognizing an individual or group that has made specific, significant contributions to improving civil rights, human relations, or civility in our community.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Trial Court Agrees with City and Strikes Down Annexation Remonstrators’ Request for Extra Time for Signatures

On Friday, February 24, Special Judge Nathan Nikirk agreed with the City’s position and denied the unusual request for a second 90-day remonstrance period from residents in annexation Areas 1A and 1B. Judge Nikirk issued the ruling in County Residents Against Annexation v. the City of Bloomington.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor Hamilton Names Four Board Members for City of Bloomington Capital Improvements 501c3

On Friday, March 3, four community members will be appointed to the City of Bloomington Capital Improvements, Inc. (CBCI) board. Mayor John Hamilton has identified Mick Renneisen, Sarah Bauerle Danzman, John West, and Valerie Peña to be the first four members to serve on the CBCI. Under the draft Bylaws of CBCI, the Bloomington City Council is identified to appoint a fifth member. CBCI is a new 501c3 nonprofit corporation established to advance several initiatives in the interests of the community, particularly related to Bloomington in three potential areas - housing and Hopewell, the arts, and technology/jobs.

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Video Update: Public Safety Report & New Down Payment Housing Program for Sworn Police and Fire

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss the recent Public Safety Report and the new $100,000 down payment housing program for sworn police and fire.

State of the City Logo on dark blue background

Mayor Hamilton to Present Eighth State of the City Address: Your Future is Here

Mayor John Hamilton presents his eighth annual State of the City address to the community at the John Waldron Arts Center. All are invited to attend the free event. 

Headshot of Josefa Madrigal

Josefa Madrigal Named Chief of Staff in the Office of the Mayor

Mayor John Hamilton announced today that Josefa Madrigal, a former Bloomington police officer and the current Latino Outreach Coordinator for the City of Bloomington’s Community and Family Resources Department, will become Chief of Staff in the Office of the Mayor, effective February 24. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions.

Black History Month Gala Artwork

Black History Month Gala Culminates Month-long Celebration

The City of Bloomington invites the community to attend the 19th Annual Black History Month Gala, which will take place on Saturday, February 25, beginning at 6 p.m. The ticketed public event will be held at Woolery Mill (2250 W. Sunstone Dr., Bloomington, IN). Tickets are available in advance through the Buskirk-Chumley Box Office, online at, or by phone at 812-323-3020.  

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Video Update: New City Limit Welcome Signs

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss new welcome signs to be located at city limits.

Rendering on B-Line Extrension, shows lush green tree next to silhouettes of two adults and a child on a path

City Engineering Department Holds Public Informational Meeting About B‐Line Trail Extension and Multiuse Path Project

The City of Bloomington Engineering Department is inviting Bloomington residents and business owners to a public informational meeting for the B‐Line Trail Extension and Multiuse Path project. The meeting will be held at the Tri‐North Middle School Performance Center at 1000 W 15th Street on Wednesday, February 22, at 6 p.m. 

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Scholarships for Businesses to Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Available Through Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association

The Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA) is launching the first of several 2023 grants with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion/Anti-racism Training Business Scholarships. Businesses within the BUEA Zone, which is an area north, west, and south of downtown Bloomington, may apply for up to $1,000 of funding.

Close up of art on 4th Street Garage

Bloomington Arts Commission Announces 2023 Grant Cycles

The Bloomington Arts Commission (BAC), in collaboration with the Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA), has announced its 2023 grant cycles to fund the arts and cultivate cultural experiences in Bloomington.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Workshop Opportunity for Contractors Interested in Bidding on City Projects

The Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA), in partnership with the City of Bloomington’s Housing and Neighborhood Development Department (HAND) and Ivy Tech Community College’s Gayle & Bill Cook Center for Entrepreneurship, is hosting a building contractor workshop to provide opportunities to learn about how to become a contractor to bid on small- to mid-scale construction projects.

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City Commission on the Status of Women to Honor Local Women at Women’s Achievement Celebration

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women announces the 2023 Women’s Achievement Award winners. These winners will be honored and recognized at the 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at the Monroe Convention Center. 

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Video Update: Neighborhood Improvement Grants

Join Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael and Neighborhood Services Program Manager Angela Van Rooy as they discuss the 2023 Neighborhood Improvement Grants. The City of Bloomington Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) invites residents to apply for City funding to improve their neighborhoods.

State of Public Safety 7th Annual Logomark

City Announces New $100,000 Down Payment Housing Program for Sworn Police and Fire; Public Safety Report Highlights 1% Decrease in Overall Crime

At the 7th Annual Public Safety Report meeting today, Mayor John Hamilton announced a new $100,000 no-interest down payment assistance program for up to 10 police officers and 10 firefighters as an incentive to live in the city of Bloomington. Commencing immediately, the pilot housing program is the only such program known to exist in the country. After 10 years, participants will realize $100,000 in home equity. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Nominations for Be More Awards Honoring Volunteers

The City of Bloomington and Mayor John Hamilton encourages all community members to nominate outstanding volunteers for the Be More Awards, the community volunteer awards presented by the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network, a program of the City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Department. Nominations are being accepted through March 5, 2023, at 

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City Accepting Nominations for Be More Awards Honoring Volunteers

The City of Bloomington and Mayor John Hamilton encourages all community members to nominate outstanding volunteers for the Be More Awards, the community volunteer awards presented by the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network, a program of the City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Department. Nominations are being accepted through March 5, 2023, at 

State of Public Safety 7th Annual Logomark

Bloomington Fire and Police Chiefs, Community and Family Resources Director Present Seventh Annual Public Safety Report

Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton invites the press and the public to attend the seventh annual joint Public Safety Report to the community on February 9. The presentation will update the community on the state of public safety in Bloomington and the City’s continuous efforts to improve it.

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City Commission on the Status of Women Announces the 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women announces the 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon, which will take place on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at the Monroe Convention Center, located at 302 S. College Ave. in Bloomington. 

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Video Update: $1.9 million READI Grant for Local Infrastructure Project

Join Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael and Economic and Sustainable Development Director Alex Crowley as they discuss the recent $1.9 million grant from the Indiana Uplands READI Steering Committee and Regional Opportunity Initiatives for a local infrastructure project.

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Update on Hoosier Networks Fiber-Network Project Construction

Construction of the new city-wide fiber-to-the-home network is vigorously underway, with more than 150,000 feet of underground fiber optic conduit already installed. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Bloomington Celebrates Black History Month, Adopt-a-Rabbit Month, and Looks Forward to Spring and Summer Events

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and within the City, and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Indiana Uplands READI Steering Committee and Regional Opportunity Initiatives Invest $1.9 million in Local Infrastructure Project

Bloomington will receive $1.9 million in grant funding through the state's Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI) program. The investment, which affects innovative infrastructure, was reviewed and approved by the Indiana Uplands READI Steering Committee and Regional Opportunity Initiatives (ROI) and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC). The Indiana Uplands is an 11-county region encompassing Brown, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Orange, Owen, and Washington counties.

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Residents Invited to Rally in Support of the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander Community

In response to the racially motivated violent attack of an Asian student that took place on a Bloomington Transit bus Wednesday, January 11, 2023, the City of Bloomington, Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA), Indiana University, and the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF) invite the community to a rally on February 4 in support of the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander community. 

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Statement from Mayor Hamilton and Police Chief Diekhoff

On January 7 of this year, Tyre Nichols, a resident of Memphis, TN, was pulled over for what police said was reckless driving. During the stop, Nichols was aggressively and brutally beaten by police, which resulted in his death three days later on January 10. Yesterday, January 27, The City of Memphis released body cam and surveillance footage of the traffic stop. The videos showed abhorrent behavior of law enforcement as well as an appalling disregard for his well-being after the beating. 

Farmers Market June Produce

City Farmers' Market Accepting Proposals, Applications for Vending Spaces at 2023 Saturday Market

Proposals from Food and Beverage Artisans and Applications from Farmers due Feb. 24

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Activating a New 501c3: Frequently Asked Questions

On January 13, the City announced the activation of a new 501c3 nonprofit to advance several initiatives. We’ve created a Frequently Asked Questions document that answers common questions we’ve received, and it will be updated regularly.

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City Council Approves Investments in Fire and Purchase of CFC Showers Building for Unified Public Safety

Last night, the City Council approved appropriating proceeds from the recently approved public safety bonds ( for public safety facility improvements, including the purchase of 320 W. 8th Street, a section of the Showers Building adjacent to City Hall. 

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Indiana University Prison Arts Initiative Student Exhibition Opens at City Hall

The City of Bloomington will host the exhibition Free to Wonder: The Indiana University Prison Arts Initiative Student Exhibition in City Hall’s Atrium Gallery from January 26 - February 17, 2023. The exhibition will feature work by 10 students from Putnamville Correctional Facility who took classes in visual arts techniques, creative writing, and bookmaking taught by former and current IU graduate instructors during fall 2022. An opening reception will take place from 5-7:30 p.m. on Friday, February 3 in the City Hall Atrium at 401 N Morton Street and will feature remarks by IUPAI facilitators and teachers.

Snow on ground

Upcoming Winter Weather in Bloomington

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Warning for the Bloomington area beginning tonight at 1 a.m. Wednesday. The latest weather forecasts show snow accumulation in Bloomington is expected to be in excess of 3-7 inches, with winds gusting as high as 35 mph. Higher totals are possible.

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City and The Mill Sign Innovation Partnership Agreement; Trades District and Tech Center Surge Forward

The City of Bloomington and The Mill today announced they have formalized a new partnership to expand Bloomington’s innovation economy, attract cutting-edge companies, and create high-paying jobs. According to the Innovation Partnership Agreement approved by the Redevelopment Commission (RDC) on January 23 (, The Mill will now manage the development and marketing of the Trades District, a 12-acre portion of the Bloomington Certified Technology Park. 

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Residents Invited to Apply for Neighborhood Improvement Grants

The City of Bloomington Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) invites residents to apply for City funding to improve their neighborhoods. Applications for funding through four kinds of neighborhood grants described below are now available for the 2023 application cycle.

International Festival logo graphic

Community Groups, Artists, and Food Vendors Invited to Take Part in the International Festival April 16

Street fair-style festival to take place on Fourth Street between Dunn Street and Grant Street in the Dunkirk Square parking lot.

Photo of Ellise Smith

Black History Month 2023, a Celebration of Black Innovation, Kicks off at City Hall on January 30

Members of the public are invited to join friends and neighbors to kick off the City of Bloomington’s 2023 Black History Month celebration on January 30 at City Hall (401 N Morton Street). The event begins with a reception in the City Hall Atrium at 6 p.m., with the program beginning in Council Chambers at 7 p.m. The kick-off is free and open to the public.  

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Video Update: New 501c3 to Benefit Arts, Technology/Jobs, and Housing

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss a new 501c3 nonprofit to benefit the arts, technology/jobs, and housing in Bloomington.

Bloomington Fire Department Logo

Bloomington Fire Department Responds to Apartment Fire on N Lincoln Street

The City of Bloomington Fire Department (BFD) responded to a fire at 519 N Lincoln, a four-story apartment building, earlier this morning. No injuries to residents were reported; however, two (2) firefighters were transported from the scene by IU Health ambulance to the emergency department for evaluation and later released. The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and details are expected to be released when the fire incident report is finalized.

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A Week of Remembrance Announced to Celebrate African American History in Bloomington through Art and Storytelling

The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration Commission is announcing a call for artists and arts groups to create art, and historians and storytellers to activate five historically significant sites in Bloomington during community walks planned as part of MLK Remembrance Week, April 4-8, 2023. This week begins on Tuesday, April 4, which marks the 55th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s tragic and untimely death. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions.

2023 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award Winner Nancy Cross-Harris

City of Bloomington Awards Nancy Cross-Harris with Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award for 2023

For her lifelong commitment to justice, passion for serving others, and deep community involvement, Nancy Cross-Harris has been given the City’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award for 2023.

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Statement from Mayor Hamilton Regarding Recent Stabbing on January 11

Following the brutal attack of a member of our community, I want to state categorically that here in the city of Bloomington we deplore any form of racism and discrimination, especially hate based violence. This behavior is not acceptable and will be dealt with accordingly.

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City Activates New 501c3 Nonprofit to Benefit Arts, Technology/Jobs, and Housing

Mayor John Hamilton today announced the activation of a new 501c3 nonprofit corporation to advance the interests of the community, especially related to Bloomington in three areas - arts, technology/jobs, and housing.

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Video Update: Arts Feasibility Study

Join Mayor Hamilton and Assistant Director for the Arts Holly Warren as they discuss the arts feasibility study released in October 2022 and the progress made since its publication.

Aerial View of Showers Admin Building from Morton and 10th Street

Trades District’s Showers Administration Building Sold to Eurton Properties

The City of Bloomington’s Redevelopment Commission completed the sale of the Showers Administration Building at 601 N. Morton Street on December 15, 2022. The purchaser, Eurton Qualified Opportunity Fund, LLC, took possession of the property at closing. The purchase price was $400,000 and included the roughly 18,400 square-foot building and the .19 acre lot immediately to the north of the building. 

LED bulb sitting on top of a solar panel

Grant Funding Available to Nonprofits, Community Organizations, and Small Businesses Through City’s 2023 Solar, Energy Efficiency, & Lighting (SEEL) Program

The City of Bloomington’s Department of Economic and Sustainable Development is providing grant funding of up to $25,000 and technical assistance for organizations and small businesses to improve building efficiency and install solar through the 2023 Solar, Energy Efficiency, & Lighting (SEEL) Program. Nonprofits, community organizations, and small businesses are invited to apply beginning January 18. 

Georgia State Representative Park Cannon

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Birthday Celebration to Feature Georgia State Representative Park Cannon

Mayor John Hamilton invites the community to the 2023 City of Bloomington Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration on Monday, January 16, at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater.

Macro view of pine needles on a live tree

Live Christmas Tree Collection Schedule

The Sanitation Division will continue picking up live Christmas trees and live wreaths until January 26, 2023. City residents should place their trees and wreaths at the curb for collection on their regular yard waste pick-up days.

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Video Update: New City Employee Benefits

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss new city employee benefits in 2023, including two new pilot programs.

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Duke Energy Begins Next Phase of Bloomington Reliability Project

In an effort to keep residents informed, we are sharing a press release from Duke Energy regarding their next phases of the Bloomington Rogers Street – 11th Street – Dunn Street Reliability Project. Construction will include new power transmission lines to provide clean and reliable energy for the Bloomington community.

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City Programs and Events in January 2023

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and within the City, and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.