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February 2023 News Releases

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

March Brings Spring Break Fun; Kittens Needing Care, and Car Seat Safety

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and with the City, and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Asks Court to Strike Down State Legislation As Second Unconstitutional Interference with Annexation

On Monday, February 27, the City of Bloomington filed a motion in City of Bloomington v. Smith asking Special Judge Kelsey Hanlon to strike down legislation the Indiana General Assembly passed in 2019 that voided most of Bloomington’s existing sewer extension contracts. In its motion, the City argues that the legislation violates state and federal constitutional provisions protecting contracts from retroactive impairment by state law.

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Nominations Sought for 2023 Bloomington Human Rights Award

The Bloomington Human Rights Commission (BHRC) is seeking nominations for the 2023 Human Rights Award, recognizing an individual or group that has made specific, significant contributions to improving civil rights, human relations, or civility in our community.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Trial Court Agrees with City and Strikes Down Annexation Remonstrators’ Request for Extra Time for Signatures

On Friday, February 24, Special Judge Nathan Nikirk agreed with the City’s position and denied the unusual request for a second 90-day remonstrance period from residents in annexation Areas 1A and 1B. Judge Nikirk issued the ruling in County Residents Against Annexation v. the City of Bloomington.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Mayor Hamilton Names Four Board Members for City of Bloomington Capital Improvements 501c3

On Friday, March 3, four community members will be appointed to the City of Bloomington Capital Improvements, Inc. (CBCI) board. Mayor John Hamilton has identified Mick Renneisen, Sarah Bauerle Danzman, John West, and Valerie Peña to be the first four members to serve on the CBCI. Under the draft Bylaws of CBCI, the Bloomington City Council is identified to appoint a fifth member. CBCI is a new 501c3 nonprofit corporation established to advance several initiatives in the interests of the community, particularly related to Bloomington in three potential areas - housing and Hopewell, the arts, and technology/jobs.

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: Public Safety Report & New Down Payment Housing Program for Sworn Police and Fire

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss the recent Public Safety Report and the new $100,000 down payment housing program for sworn police and fire.

State of the City Logo on dark blue background

Mayor Hamilton to Present Eighth State of the City Address: Your Future is Here

Mayor John Hamilton presents his eighth annual State of the City address to the community at the John Waldron Arts Center. All are invited to attend the free event. 

Headshot of Josefa Madrigal

Josefa Madrigal Named Chief of Staff in the Office of the Mayor

Mayor John Hamilton announced today that Josefa Madrigal, a former Bloomington police officer and the current Latino Outreach Coordinator for the City of Bloomington’s Community and Family Resources Department, will become Chief of Staff in the Office of the Mayor, effective February 24. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Applications to Serve on City’s Boards and Commissions

The City of Bloomington is accepting applications from community members who would like to serve on one of the following City boards or commissions.

Black History Month Gala Artwork

Black History Month Gala Culminates Month-long Celebration

The City of Bloomington invites the community to attend the 19th Annual Black History Month Gala, which will take place on Saturday, February 25, beginning at 6 p.m. The ticketed public event will be held at Woolery Mill (2250 W. Sunstone Dr., Bloomington, IN). Tickets are available in advance through the Buskirk-Chumley Box Office, online at, or by phone at 812-323-3020.  

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: New City Limit Welcome Signs

Join Mayor John Hamilton and Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael as they discuss new welcome signs to be located at city limits.

Rendering on B-Line Extrension, shows lush green tree next to silhouettes of two adults and a child on a path

City Engineering Department Holds Public Informational Meeting About B‐Line Trail Extension and Multiuse Path Project

The City of Bloomington Engineering Department is inviting Bloomington residents and business owners to a public informational meeting for the B‐Line Trail Extension and Multiuse Path project. The meeting will be held at the Tri‐North Middle School Performance Center at 1000 W 15th Street on Wednesday, February 22, at 6 p.m. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Scholarships for Businesses to Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Available Through Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association

The Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA) is launching the first of several 2023 grants with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion/Anti-racism Training Business Scholarships. Businesses within the BUEA Zone, which is an area north, west, and south of downtown Bloomington, may apply for up to $1,000 of funding.

Close up of art on 4th Street Garage

Bloomington Arts Commission Announces 2023 Grant Cycles

The Bloomington Arts Commission (BAC), in collaboration with the Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA), has announced its 2023 grant cycles to fund the arts and cultivate cultural experiences in Bloomington.

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Workshop Opportunity for Contractors Interested in Bidding on City Projects

The Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA), in partnership with the City of Bloomington’s Housing and Neighborhood Development Department (HAND) and Ivy Tech Community College’s Gayle & Bill Cook Center for Entrepreneurship, is hosting a building contractor workshop to provide opportunities to learn about how to become a contractor to bid on small- to mid-scale construction projects.

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City Commission on the Status of Women to Honor Local Women at Women’s Achievement Celebration

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women announces the 2023 Women’s Achievement Award winners. These winners will be honored and recognized at the 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at the Monroe Convention Center. 

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: Neighborhood Improvement Grants

Join Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael and Neighborhood Services Program Manager Angela Van Rooy as they discuss the 2023 Neighborhood Improvement Grants. The City of Bloomington Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) invites residents to apply for City funding to improve their neighborhoods.

State of Public Safety 7th Annual Logomark

City Announces New $100,000 Down Payment Housing Program for Sworn Police and Fire; Public Safety Report Highlights 1% Decrease in Overall Crime

At the 7th Annual Public Safety Report meeting today, Mayor John Hamilton announced a new $100,000 no-interest down payment assistance program for up to 10 police officers and 10 firefighters as an incentive to live in the city of Bloomington. Commencing immediately, the pilot housing program is the only such program known to exist in the country. After 10 years, participants will realize $100,000 in home equity. 

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City Accepting Nominations for Be More Awards Honoring Volunteers

The City of Bloomington and Mayor John Hamilton encourages all community members to nominate outstanding volunteers for the Be More Awards, the community volunteer awards presented by the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network, a program of the City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Department. Nominations are being accepted through March 5, 2023, at 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

City Accepting Nominations for Be More Awards Honoring Volunteers

The City of Bloomington and Mayor John Hamilton encourages all community members to nominate outstanding volunteers for the Be More Awards, the community volunteer awards presented by the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network, a program of the City of Bloomington Community and Family Resources Department. Nominations are being accepted through March 5, 2023, at 

State of Public Safety 7th Annual Logomark

Bloomington Fire and Police Chiefs, Community and Family Resources Director Present Seventh Annual Public Safety Report

Bloomington Mayor John Hamilton invites the press and the public to attend the seventh annual joint Public Safety Report to the community on February 9. The presentation will update the community on the state of public safety in Bloomington and the City’s continuous efforts to improve it.

City Logo Thumbnail

City Commission on the Status of Women Announces the 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon

The City of Bloomington Commission on the Status of Women announces the 2023 Women’s History Month Luncheon, which will take place on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at the Monroe Convention Center, located at 302 S. College Ave. in Bloomington. 

Mockup of a laptop with an image displayed and an image of a video player hovering over laptop

Video Update: $1.9 million READI Grant for Local Infrastructure Project

Join Deputy Mayor Mary Catherine Carmichael and Economic and Sustainable Development Director Alex Crowley as they discuss the recent $1.9 million grant from the Indiana Uplands READI Steering Committee and Regional Opportunity Initiatives for a local infrastructure project.

Network cables and optic fibers on bright blue background

Update on Hoosier Networks Fiber-Network Project Construction

Construction of the new city-wide fiber-to-the-home network is vigorously underway, with more than 150,000 feet of underground fiber optic conduit already installed. 

City Logo on Dark Blue Background.

Bloomington Celebrates Black History Month, Adopt-a-Rabbit Month, and Looks Forward to Spring and Summer Events

Bloomington is a vibrant community filled with activity. Each month there are numerous opportunities to enjoy and engage socially and civically. The City will provide monthly updates on what is happening in and within the City, and you will discover that no matter your interests or inclinations, there is something for everyone.