Page last updated on November 18, 2024 at 4:44 pm
The Information & Technology Services Department (ITS) manages the City of Bloomington’s IT systems, including computer hardware, software and networks. We monitor and support more than 680 workstations for 700-1000 City staff at 40+ sites including 24-7 mission critical systems at Police, Fire and Utilities departments. ITS maintains the servers and infrastructure that keep our sister City departments running. We provide IT training to City staff and coordinate IT purchasing for the City. We maintain the City's GIS (Geographic Information System) and print maps for the public. The department manages the City's fiber optic ring, a.k.a. the Bloomington Digital Underground (BDU) and WiFi deployments in City buildings. We also develop and maintain the City website, the uReport service and other open source applications for staff and public use.
ITS News
- News, Awards and Updates from ITS:
ITS Initiatives
- Open access fiber broadband for Bloomington:
- Digital Equity Initiative:
- Civic Tech and Open Source:
- 2023 Best of Indiana Award for Best Application Serving the Public for CiviForm applications for low-income assistance and computer donations
- 2022 Best of Indiana Award for Best Application Serving the Public and 2023 Tyler Excellence Award for Data & Transparency for the City of Bloomington Open Data Portal
- 2018 Best of Indiana Award for Best Application Serving the Public for 2017 website
- redesign
- inRoads (2015 Code for America Technology Award, 2016 & 2018 Best of Indiana Award,)
- First city to participate in Google Summer of Code
- 2017/2018 Center for Digital Gov’t’s Digital City Survey award for top 10 cities for 75-125k
- population
- First release of a full open source Open311 application suite
- Leading community in open source software use and development...
ITS by the Numbers
100 internal, 22 external map requests, 244 maps printed, 14 digital data requests per year. Web site usage: 85,000 visits per month, 1.02 million sessions per year (420k web/600k mobile). 680+ computers: desktops, laptops and Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs). 190 virtual and physical servers at 6 locations. 40+ in-house custom applications. Support for dozens more third-party applications. 17 miles of conduit, 11 miles of fiber in city network (BDU). 5 million incoming email messages. 75TB terabytes of data in our backup regime. 3995 cases in uReport from the public in the last year.
Useful Resources
In addition to resources linked herein, the following are some additional helpful resources:
City of Bloomington Apps
We’ve created and worked on apps to make life easier for Bloomington residents. Check out our current applications.
Applying for Computer Equipment Donations
The City of Bloomington replaces one-fifth to one-fourth of computer equipment each year to keep up with new technology. This equipment is donated to 501C3 Non-For-Profit organizations.
GIS and Maps
City GIS page for interactive maps and related services.
UAV Policy
The City of Bloomington (“City”) is dedicated to embracing technologies that help improve its services while protecting the privacy and safety of its residents. The use of UAVs in the public interest is expected to benefit residents and visitors to the City through the more efficient use of City resources.
Bloomington Fiber Initiative
Meridiam will build and operate an open-access-model fiber network, embodying net neutrality, with a strong emphasis on digital equity.