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The financial reports linked below represent either Financial Statement and Federal Audit, and Annual Financial Report (AFR), the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), or the annual City and Town Financial Report (CTAR). More detailed information about each report is provided in the following paragraphs.

Please note that the Annual Financial Report replaced the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report in 2009.

You can also locate additional budget information on B-Clear, City of Bloomington's Open Data Portal.

Financial Statement and Federal Audit and Annual Financial Report

State statute requires an annual audit by the Indiana State Board of Accounts. An agency of the executive branch of Indiana government, the State Board of Accounts audits the financial statements of all governmental units within the state, including cities, towns, utilities, schools, counties, license branches, state agencies, hospitals, libraries, townships, and state colleges and universities.

The Financial Statement and Federal Audit and Annual Financial Reports listed below have been audited by the Indiana State Board of Accounts. The audited financial statements are included in the reports. Prior to 2009, the reports were referred to as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which can be accessed below.

2021 AFR

2020 AFR

2020 AFR Supplemental 

2019 AFR

2018 AFR

2017 AFR

2016 AFR

2015 AFR

2014 AFR

2013 AFR

2012 AFR

2011 AFR

2010 AFR

Annual City and Town Financial Report

As required by Indiana law, the Annual City and Town Financial Report (CTAR) is prepared by the Office of the Controller within 60 days of the close of each year. The CTAR, which uses a cash basis method of accounting, provides users with information regarding annual revenues and expenditures, and year-end fund balances for all City funds. Other tables include grant receipts, capital assets purchases, and long-term indebtedness. Please note that all CTARs should be considered archived reports; the information has not been updated since report preparation.

2022 CTAR

2021 CTAR

2020 CTAR

2019 CTAR

2018 CTAR

2017 CTAR

2016 CTAR

2015 CTAR

2014 CTAR

2013 CTAR 

2012 CTAR 

2011 CTAR

2010 CTAR


Fiscal Task Report

Announced in January 2016, the task force was charged by Mayor Hamilton with reviewing fiscal operations, systems, protocols and resources in the City. They were asked to provide a review and recommendations regarding the following:

  • Are the fiscal systems and protocols appropriate for a city of our size and activities?

  • Are there areas of weakness or vulnerability that should be improved?

  • Is our capacity to manage and forecast our fiscal situation adequate?

  • Are there practical ways our city can better manage and deploy fiscal resources?

Fiscal Task Force members included:

  • Michael Claytor - Past Partner, Crowe Horwath

  • Tedd Green - President, Cook Pharmica

  • Christine Puckett - Director of Budgetary Administration, IU College of Arts and Sciences

The results and findings of the Fiscal Task Report are available here: Click this Link